Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We are BACK!

Yes we are!
Not that many people read our blog ;) but for the ones out there; we are truly sorry that we have not been able to updated our blog as we intended to. To tell you the truth, it has been very difficult for us to catch up, since both of us have not been in the same time zone. But most, our advanced program at university has been the focal point throughout this period.

So much has happened since last time. To sum-up what I've been doing over this past year I have:
- Study English in New York
- Began my university in Switzerland, majoring in hotel management.
- Did my first year internship program in the Caribbean island , Saint Lucia where I worked at the famous resort called Sandals.
- Flew to LA by myself, knowing nobody, but met incredible friends for life!
- Camped out for Eclipse during my time in LA. An unforgettable experience!

Throughout this couple of years I have grown as a person. I am now more confident. Not that I wasn't before, But when you travel a lot, you start to see another you, in a positive way. Throughout this journeys my motto was, be more loose, do things that you never imagine yourself doing. This led me to the person I have become today... and I am thankful for that.

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